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[MQ00018] 닭볶음탕 / Dakbokkeumtang serves 2-3

[MQ00018] 닭볶음탕 / Dakbokkeumtang serves 2-3


닭볶음탕 / Dakbokkeumtang


Spicy Korean Chicken Stew


the portion of 2-3 person


Ingredients: Chicken(1.3-1.4kg), potato, carrot, onion, spring onion, chilli, mixed sauce(SOY,chilli , wheat, pepper etc)


Please ensure that it is taken within 1 day and keep it in the fridge.


※ This product is a collaboration with restaurant Co&Ko (Jeon's KItchen).

※ 이 제품은 Co&Ko (Jeon's KItchen)와 함께합니다.

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